White 201

04 May 2019 / By admin

White 201

Project Team
Guerin Glass Architects and Derek Skalko, 1 Friday Design

Aspen, Colorado

The design intent of White 201 is to preserve, restore and expand an important and beautiful example of western Victorian architecture while integrating the building with an evolving city fabric and expanding the house to accommodate a family in a contemporary manner.

While the historic structure is a highly articulated Victorian jewel, the new volume stands in contrast. It is intentionally quiet, and rendered in a slightly darker color than the existing house so as to support the idea of primary and supporting elements. The white, semi-ornate detailing of the existing house will be fully restored and recreated. The shed itself has minimal detail, and its restoration will maintain this, expressing its supporting role. The new volume further reinforces this by keeping the detailing to a minimum, presenting itself as an extremely quiet supporting structure off to the side of and behind the more vibrant house.

The siding is a clean shiplap, treated wood, with openings minimized and treated according to their orientation. The street façade is covered by a uniform curtain of matching wooden louvers, creating visual privacy for the interior spaces while maintaining views, and providing a visual quiet in contrast to the more opulent historic house. The rear façade is open to the views – with similar fenestration but with the louvers reduced or eliminated where possible. The western façade only has openings with the connecting elements so as to reinforce the notion of the new volume as backdrop to the historic resource. The linking elements are glazed on the vertical surfaces, with painted aluminum louvers on the southwest façade to assist with solar control. This rendering is intended to create a clear visual and spatial distinction between the historic and new volumes.